Legal Mentions


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Standard fee schedule will be provided upon request. Please contact your Relationship Manager.


Your access to information provided by BNP Paribas on this website, its main website and/or linked or local websites constitutes your agreement to be bound by all applicable laws and regulations for use, and by these terms and conditions and any revisions thereto (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms and Conditions of Use") and separate cookie policy, and you acknowledge that you have read, understood and accepted them. Usage of this website may be subject to special guidelines and terms of use which will be provided in the appropriate places. Such special guidelines and terms of use shall form an integral part of the Terms and Conditions of Use.

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Legal Statement

You are connected to this website of BNP Paribas, a company incorporated under the laws of France with its registered address at 16 Boulevard des Italiens 75009 Paris.

BNP Paribas also conducts private banking activities through its Singapore and Hong Kong branches. In the People’s Republic of China (“PRC”), BNP Paribas Wealth Management brand of private banking activities are carried through BNP Paribas (China) Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of BNP Paribas SA. In Taiwan, China, BNP Paribas Wealth Management brand of private banking activities are carried through BNP Paribas Taipei Branch and BNP Paribas Offshore Banking Branch, both being branches of BNP Paribas S.A. In India, BNP Paribas Wealth Management brand of private banking activities are carried through various branches of BNP Paribas SA and Portfolio Management related activities through BNP Paribas Investment Services India Pvt. Ltd. For the purpose of this Legal Notice, each and all of the above entities of the BNP Paribas Group introduced on this website are referred to as BNP Paribas.

Purpose of this Website

This website provides an introduction to BNP Paribas and gives internet users information about products and services at the relevant locations.*

It is purely for consultative and information purposes and, accordingly, no transaction of any kind whatsoever may be carried out on this website.

The information provided on this website does not constitute:

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Without prejudice to the foregoing but merely for the avoidance of doubt, offering of products and services in the relevant jurisdiction shall be subject to the laws and regulations applicable in that jurisdiction and separate terms and conditions as provided to you.

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BNP Paribas does not consider users of this website to be clients merely by their access to this website.

*Information on this website regarding real estate services provided in Hong Kong or Singapore  are exclusively in relation to properties outside Hong Kong and Singapore respectively.  BNP Paribas and its affiliates and their respective personnel are not licensed to deal with any property situated in Hong Kong and Singapore. BNP Paribas acting through its Singapore Branch and BNP Paribas acting through its Hong Kong branch are not licensed to and do not offer this service nor refer any persons to any of their affiliates or other third parties for the provision of this service.

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Contents of Pages on this Website

Neither BNP Paribas nor any of its affiliates or officers shall be held liable for any omission or error on this website, all such responsibility being fully and absolutely disclaimed.

All the information shown in this website is provided as a guide for information only and under no circumstances may it be deemed to be exhaustive, accurate, complete or up to date. No reliance should be made on such information. Accordingly, all such information must be independently checked and verified by the user.

Financial and other information may be transmitted to this website from external sources or third parties believed to be reliable but no representation or warranty, express or implied, is made by BNP Paribas that such information is accurate, complete or up to date and it should not be relied upon as such. BNP Paribas disclaims all responsibility for any financial information (including without limitation indices, rates, news, forecasts etc.) and other information published on this website, as well as for the use of any such information by any party. In addition, the information shown on this website are not displayed in real time. It is your responsibility to independently check and verify that the information (including but not limited to financial data) shown on this website is valid, accurate and/or up to date.

Terms relating to any product or services appearing on this website are merely indicative and BNP Paribas gives no assurance that any transaction will be entered into on the basis of such indicative terms.

BNP Paribas is under no obligation to update, change or remove any part of the information or content appearing on this website.

No information contained on this website is to be considered legal, tax, accounting or financial advice and no information shall be relied upon as such. BNP Paribas disclaims any responsibility for any decision taken on the basis of any information contained on this website, as well as for the use thereof which could be made by third parties. If you are in doubt about the risks involved in any product or investment, you should seek independent professional advice. 

Performance of Investments

Past performance is no guarantee of an investment's future performance and BNP Paribas makes no representation as such. The value of an investment may rise or fall and investors may not recover all or any amount invested. Moreover, exchange rate fluctuations may cause the value of investments to rise or fall. BNP Paribas is not giving any warranties, guarantee or representation as to the expected or projected success, profitability, return, performance, result, effect, consequence or benefit of any product or investment.

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The confidentiality and integrity of internet communications are not guaranteed and BNP Paribas does not make any representation whatsoever, whether express or implied, on the same. You acknowledge the existence of inherent security risks, including but not limited to the risk that the content and source of any messages that you send to BNP Paribas via email or the internet may be intercepted and/or modified. BNP Paribas disclaims all responsibility in that respect. Any means of communicating any personal information that you choose to use shall be deemed to be made at your sole discretion and responsibility.

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The provision of Data is the precondition for use of the services to which they relate. BNP Paribas reserves the right to transmit the Data to its head office, its other branches, its affiliates, any entity within the BNP Paribas group and its auditors and insurers, as it shall deem fit and subject to any laws applicable in the relevant jurisdiction. You hereby also unconditionally authorize BNP Paribas to transmit the Data to the aforementioned entities.

While BNP Paribas will use its best efforts to take all reasonable precaution to ensure that the Data is secure, it however cannot exclude all risks associated with use of email and the internet and disclaims all responsibility in respect of such risks. Accordingly, when the Data is provided, you are aware and understand that the Data cannot be guaranteed to be completely secure.

By accessing this website, you agree that the Data collected or transmitted on or through this website shall be processed and used in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of Use.

For more information on how BNP Paribas in APAC collects and uses your personal data, please see our data protection notice here:  Asia Pacific Data Protection Notice - BNP Paribas Asia Pacific

Legal Information