Disclaimer - Investment Perspectives (Client Conference Call)

The invitation to this event is sent to you in Singapore by BNP Paribas, acting through its Singapore branch, in Hong Kong by BNP Paribas, acting through its Hong Kong branch and in India by  BNP Paribas Wealth Management India Pvt. Ltd. BNP Paribas is a public limited company (société anonyme) incorporated in France. The liability of its members is limited. BNP Paribas Wealth Management is the business line name for the Wealth Management activity conducted by BNP Paribas.

Please note that nothing contained herein or in the presentations should be considered as investment or financial advice or any form of recommendation. You should seek your own independent financial, legal and other advice accordingly. Save to the extent provided otherwise in Clause 6.5 of the Terms and Conditions applicable to your account, no BNP Paribas group or company or entity shall be responsible for any loss arising, whether direct or indirect, from the use of or reliance on any part of the information and opinions contained in the presentation. You should seek advice from your own professional adviser regarding the suitability of any investments (taking into account your specific investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs) as well as the risks involved in such investments before a commitment to purchase or enter into any investment is made.  By signing up for this event organised by BNP Paribas (the “Organiser”) and in connection with the Organiser's banking secrecy and confidentiality obligations under applicable laws and regulations of Singapore and/or Hong Kong and/or India,  you consent to the Organiser's use, collection and/or disclosure of your personal data for the purpose of  organising and administering the event and any other purpose associated with your registration or attendance of the event (including without limitation, any post-event survey and distribution of further reference material to you) and any such disclosure includes disclosure to third party service providers whether located within or outside Singapore or Hong Kong or India for the above purpose(s). Your consent herein shall be in addition to any other authorisation and consent to disclosure which you have given or may hereafter give to the Organiser in connection with any agreements and/or account(s) you have or may have with the Organiser, and shall survive and continue in full force and effect for the benefit of the Organiser and its officers, employees, agents, contractors and service providers notwithstanding the termination of one or more types of relationships between you and the Organiser. If you have any objection to the above, please approach your BNP Paribas representative for further arrangement prior to the event.

India : BNP Paribas Wealth Management India Pvt. Limited (‘BNPPWMIPL’) is a Portfolio Manager registered with Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) under the SEBI (Portfolio Managers) Regulations, 2020 and is an Authorised Person registered with Sharekhan Ltd. for Cash Market segment of BSE and NSE. It is also a mutual fund  distributor registered with Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI) under the ARN Code. 52000. BNPPWMIPL will receive distribution fee from the Investment Manager.

The information shared  with  you via audio conference call by BNP Paribas Wealth Management India Pvt. Ltd.  is for informational purposes only, is intended for your use only and may not be quoted  or otherwise referred to without BNP Paribas Wealth Management India Pvt. Ltd.’s express written consent. The information shared  is not on basis of any research report or a research recommendation and does not constitute a personal recommendation.  It should not be considered as an offer or a solicitation to engage in any trading strategy or to purchase or sell any financial instruments.

The information are not, and should not be construed as, an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any securities or make any investments. The information or products discussed in the audio conference call  may not be suitable for all investors and   should not be taken in substitution for the exercise of independent judgment by the recipient or investor. The recipient should independently evaluate the investment risks and carry out the required due diligence prior to making any investment decision. The investors are strongly recommended to seek independent investment advise before arriving at their own investment decisions, based on their own risk tolerance, investment objectives and strategy, financial positions and respective investment requirements.

Nothing discussed in the audio conference call, shall constitute any representation or warranty as to future performance of the Scheme.

The services offered by BNP Paribas Wealth Management India Pvt. Ltd. in relation to a third party investment product or services may be execution only or  advisory or referral  in nature. Such third party investment products or services do attract the general and specific risk factors unique to those respective products or services, which would be mentioned by such third party in the respective product documentation. The prospective investors in such third party products and services are advised to read and understand those risk factors & disclaimers, in addition to what has been stated herein.

The client is solely responsible for consulting his/her/its own independent advisors as to the legal, tax, accounting and related matters concerning investments and nothing in this document or in any communication shall constitute such legal, tax or accounting advice.

As a condition for providing information, the client agrees that BNP Paribas Wealth Management India Pvt. Ltd.., its Group or affiliates makes no representation and shall have no liability in any way arising to them or any other entity for any loss or damage, direct or indirect, arising from the use of this information

The Client/ investor is strongly recommended to read carefully the Private Placement Memorandum and any Annexure & Addendum thereto and the Contribution Agreement to understand the risk factors associated with investments & act on the information solely at his/her/its own risk tolerance.


法國巴黎銀行是一家在法國成立的公眾有限公司(société anonyme),對集團之成員承擔有限責任。「法國巴黎銀行財富管理」乃法國巴黎銀行營運之財富管理業務之名稱。

Legal Notice: This document/communication may contain “Research” as defined under MiFID II unbundling rules; any such Research is intended either (i) for those firms who are in scope of the MiFID II unbundling rules and have signed up to a BNP Paribas Global Markets Research package, or (ii) for firms that are out of scope of the MiFID II unbundling rules and therefore are not required to pay for Research under MiFID II. Please note that it is your firm’s responsibility to ensure that you do not view or use any Research in this document if your firm has not signed up to a BNP Paribas Global Markets Research package, unless your firm is out of scope of the MiFID II unbundling rules. Please note that MiFID II also imposes rules regarding receipt of monetary and minor non-monetary benefits under the broader inducements regime. This document may also be regarded as a minor non-monetary benefit (MNMB) and it is your firm’s responsibility to consider its own regulatory obligations in relation to inducements and accepting MNMBs.

法律声明:本文件/通信可能包含欧盟金融工具市场指令II (MiFID II) 非捆绑规则 (unbundling rules)中定义的“研究” (Research);任何此类研究的对象为(i)受MiFID II非捆绑规则 限制并已购买法国巴黎银行全球市场研究套餐(BNP Paribas Global Markets Research package)的公司,或(ii)不受MiFID II非捆绑规则限制,因此不需要购买MiFID II项下的研究的公司。请注意,如果阁下的公司尚未购买法国巴黎银行全球市场研究套餐,除非阁下的公司不受MiFID II非捆绑规则限制,否则阁下的公司有责任确保阁下的公司不会查看或使用任何本文件/通信中的任何研究。请注意,MiFID II项下更广泛的劝诱制度对于收取金钱或小额非金钱利益(MNMB)做出了规定。本文件也可能被视为MNMB,贵公司有责任考虑其贵司自身就劝诱和接受MNMB相关的监管义务。

This document is CONFIDENTIAL AND FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY; it constitutes a marketing communication and has been prepared by a Sales and Marketing function within BNP Paribas and/or its subsidiaries or affiliates (collectively “we” or “BNP Paribas”). As a confidential document it is submitted to selected recipients only and it may not be made available (in whole or in part) to any other person without BNP Paribas’ written consent.


This document is not a recommendation to engage in any action, does not constitute or form any part of any offer to sell or issue and is not a solicitation of any offer to purchase any financial instrument, nor shall it or any part of it nor the fact of its distribution form the basis of, or be relied on in connection with, any contract or investment decision.  To the extent that any transaction is subsequently entered into between the recipient and BNP Paribas, such transaction will be entered into upon such terms as may be agreed by the parties in the relevant documentation. 


The information contained in this document has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but there is no guarantee of the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any particular purpose of such information or that such information has been independently verified by BNP Paribas or by any person. None of BNP Paribas, its members, directors, officers, agents or employees accepts any responsibility or liability whatsoever or makes any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness  of the information, or any opinions based thereon, contained in this document and it should not be used in place of professional advice. Additional information may be provided on request, at our discretion.  Any scenarios, assumptions, historical or simulated performances, indicative prices or examples of potential transactions or returns are included for illustrative purposes only. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investors may get back less than they invested.  BNP Paribas gives no assurance that any favourable scenarios described are likely to happen, that it is possible to trade on the terms described herein or that any potential returns illustrated can be achieved. This document is current as at the date of its production and BNP Paribas is under no obligation to update or keep current the information herein. In providing this document, BNP Paribas offers no investment, financial, legal, tax or any other type of advice to, and has no fiduciary duty towards, recipients.  Certain strategies and/or potential transactions discussed in this document may involve the use of derivatives which may be complex in nature and may give rise to substantial risks, including the risk of total or partial loss of any investment or losses without limitation and which should only be undertaken by those with the requisite knowledge and experience. BNP Paribas makes no representation and gives no warranty as to the results to be obtained from any investment, strategy or transaction, or as to whether any strategy, security or transaction described herein may be suitable for recipients’ financial needs, circumstances or requirements. Recipients must make their own assessment of strategies, securities and/or potential transactions detailed herein, using such professional advisors as they deem appropriate.  BNP Paribas accepts no liability for any direct or consequential losses arising from any action taken in connection with or reliance on the information contained in this document even where advised of the possibility of such losses.


As an investment bank with a wide range of activities BNP Paribas may face conflicts of interest and you should be aware that BNP Paribas and/or any of its affiliates may be long or short, for their own account or as agent, in investments, transactions or strategies referred to in this document or related products before the material is published to clients and that it may engage in transactions in a manner inconsistent with the views expressed in this document, either for their own account or for the account of their clients. Additionally, BNP Paribas may have acted as an investment banker or may have provided significant advice or investment services to companies or in relation to investments mentioned in this document. The information in this document is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person or entity in any jurisdiction where (a) the distribution or use of such information would be contrary to law or regulations, or (b) BNP Paribas or a BNP Paribas affiliate would become subject to new or additional legal or regulatory requirements. Persons in possession of this document should inform themselves about possible legal restrictions and observe them accordingly.


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©法國巴黎銀行財富管理 (2020)。版權所有。